[백준/BOJ] 백준 23567번 : Double Rainbow
https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/23567 23567번: Double Rainbow Let $P$ be a set of $n$ points on the $x$-axis and each of the points is colored with one of the colors $1, 2, \dots , k$. For each color 𝑖 of the 𝑘 colors, there is at least one point in $P$ which is colored with $i$. For a set $P'$ of consecutive p www.acmicpc.net 투 포인터를 통해 범위를 확인하면서, 범위에 속한 값들을 체크하는 map과 범위 밖을 체크하는 map 두 개를 활용하여, 두 ..