[백준/BOJ] 백준 15758번 : Milking Order
https://www.acmicpc.net/problem/15758 15758번: Milking Order Here, Farmer John has four cows and should milk cow 1 before cow 2 and cow 2 before cow 3 (the first observation), cow 4 before cow 2 (the second observation), and cow 3 before cow 4 and cow 4 before cow 1 (the third observation). The first two observation www.acmicpc.net 최대 어떠한 규칙까지 지킬 수 있는지 이분탐색을 통해 확인했고, 규칙이 지켜지는지 여부는 위상정렬로 순서가 만들어지는..