[백준/BOJ] 백준 15458번 : Barn Painting

2021. 3. 1. 00:17알고리즘 문제풀이



15458번: Barn Painting

Farmer John has a large farm with $N$ barns ($1 \le N \le 10^5$), some of which are already painted and some not yet painted. Farmer John wants to paint these remaining barns so that all the barns are painted, but he only has three paint colors available.


루트가 1인 트리를 만들고, 트리 DP(트리에서 다이나믹 프로그래밍)를 이용해 문제를 해결했다. 주의해야 될 점은 there에 here에 칠하려는 색깔과 같은색이 칠해져 있는지를 고려해야 된다는 점이다.



#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int n, k;
vector<int> adj[100001];
vector<int> color_info(100001, 0);
vector<int> maked(100001, 0);
long long cache[100001][4];

void Pre()
	for (int i = 0; i < 100001; i++)
		for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
			cache[i][j] = -1;

struct node {

	int number;
	int color;
	vector<node*> children;


node* Make_tree(int root)
	node* ret = new node();

	ret->number = root;
	ret->color = color_info[root];
	maked[root] = 1;

	for (int i = 0; i < adj[root].size(); i++)
		int there = adj[root][i];

		if (maked[there] == 0)

	return ret;

//here노드를 paint색으로 칠할때의 방법의 수
long long Solve(node* here, int paint)
	long long& ret = cache[here->number][paint];

	if (ret != -1)
		return ret;

	//색깔이 칠해져 있는데 칠하려는 색깔과 다를때
	if (here->color != 0 && here->color != paint)
		ret = 0;
		return ret;

	if (here->children.size() == 0)
		ret = 1;
		return ret;

	ret = 1;

	if (paint == 1)
		for (int i = 0; i < here->children.size(); i++)
			node* there = here->children[i];

			//there에 여기 칠하려는 색깔과 같은색이 있을때
			if (there->color == paint)
				ret = 0;
				return ret;

			ret = (((ret * (Solve(there, 2) + Solve(there, 3))) + 1000000007) % 1000000007);

	else if (paint == 2)
		for (int i = 0; i < here->children.size(); i++)
			node* there = here->children[i];

			if (there->color == paint)
				ret = 0;
				return ret;

			ret = (((ret * (Solve(there, 1) + Solve(there, 3))) + 1000000007) % 1000000007);

	else if (paint == 3)
		for (int i = 0; i < here->children.size(); i++)
			node* there = here->children[i];

			if (there->color == paint)
				ret = 0;
				return ret;

			ret = (((ret * (Solve(there, 1) + Solve(there, 2))) + 1000000007) % 1000000007);
	ret %= 1000000007;

	return ret;

int main()


	cin >> n >> k;

	for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
		int u, v;

		cin >> u >> v;


	for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
		int b, c;

		cin >> b >> c;

		color_info[b] = c;

	//루트노드가 1인 트리를 만든다
	node* tree = Make_tree(1);

	long long result = 0;
	for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) //루트 노드를 1~3으로 색칠했을때 방법수를 모두 더한다
		result = (((result + Solve(tree, i)) + 1000000007) % 1000000007);

	cout << result;

	return 0;